Residential Design:

“My home is not a place. It is people.”

Far too often, so much attention is given to how a home looks from the street or driveway, that too little attention is given to what is going on inside the home to develop the people who live there. MedicineWheel tries to incorporate programs into all residential design that reflect the values and the interests of the family. Beautification of the property is of paramount importance as well, but in our process it is considered last, not first. People spend most of their lives inside their homes. Therefore, it is vital that the home contribute to the development of the family. The family that emerges from a fully developed home carries that value into the world outside the home.

Residential Design

Master Planning:

Natural Systems work well.

At Medicine Wheel, we love the Master Planning Process. It is the heart and soul of what we do. Nothing is more thrilling to us than having the opportunity to partner with our clients to create an environment in which people may live and grow to their full potential.

We practice a craft, not just a job. We create an environment, not just a plan.

We encourage the creation of an atmosphere in which people can develop into the best human beings possible. Such an atmosphere encourages self respect, inner dignity, and loyalty to the spirit of the community beyond personal concerns and ego.

  • Traditional Neighborhood Design
  • Conservation Community Design
  • Mixed Use Community Design
  • Active Adult Community Design
  • Downtown Revitalization

Master Planning

Site Design:

Compile the best ideas.

We believe that Site Design should evolve out of, and respond to the needs of the people who will use the space. Human scale, low impact strategy and aesthetics rule the day. When we design, the result is a place that could not be put anywhere else on earth because the design responds to the existing site elements. We do not force the design; rather we capitalize on the resources that exist. We always remember that a place must be in context with its community.

  • Park Design
  • Residential Design
  • Commercial Design
  • Garden Design

Site Design

Habitat Preservation and Restoration:

We cannot teach nature anything...

Food, water and shelter are the essentials that all species need to survive. Medicine Wheel thrives when involved with the restoration of essential functions of a given ecosystem. These components are as important in an urban or suburban application as they are in a rural application. By illustrating the importance of native deciduous, evergreen, herbaceous, aquatic and wetland plants in the overall bionetwork we ensure food, shelter, breeding grounds and nesting cover for migrating and stationary species. There is little separation between the health of our environment and the ability of our society to function properly. Healthy nature equals a healthy mankind.

Habitat Restoration and Restoration

Institutional and Campus Planning:

“Don’t expect anything original from an echo...”

Institutional Master Plan should lay out a vision for an area in terms of circulation, entryways, land use, open space, and identity. This in turn should provide a framework for the development of the Institution or Campus.

Just as our Institutions help develop our society, the atmosphere that makes up these institutions should contribute to the emotional, physical, spiritual and intellectual development of the citizens who exist within them. Our Institutions exist cogently within our society when they utilize the efficient use of limited resources and physically reflect and reinforce ideals inherent in our society.

Institutional and Campus Planning