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Grayson Residence

Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina

If there was ever a fun family to work with, it would be the Graysons.

The Grayson’s recent addition of a family pool had created some areas of doubt in their landscape and basically left the environment bifurcated into two areas – The backyard pool area and the front yard. Matt and Adrienne wished to have the entire property unified into an organized whole and to have the existing plant palette studied and improved upon.

After a careful site analysis and site inventory, the existing material was recorded and evaluated in accordance with the family’s intentions and certain material was selected for demolition. Proposed plant material was reviewed for its ability to minimize maintenance, provide desired textures, performance, and its aesthetic qualities when viewed in masses. Native and non-native species were utilized and the result was a myriad of color, texture and shapes that provide the human scale and impact required to make individuals comfortable within their environment.

Being consummate hosts and entertainers, much thought was given to a functional and aesthetic circulation system from the pool area, through proposed gardens and into the front yard so that the family and guests were able to experience the entire property.

From Medicine Wheel’s perspective, one of the most vital aspects of the design had to do with the development of the Kate, Jack and Beckett. One of the most reassuring things one can do for children is to create an environment that is not only beautiful, playful and divergent in species, but is also an environment where they feel absolutely secure emotionally. Young children develop attachments to their early environments that last a lifetime. Play structures were augmented, bare walls were made green and soft, and in general, the areas where the family congregate and form family memories were softened and improved upon to facilitate the ease of fellowship.

Key Words: Family, nature, fun, children’s development.